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  1. Tim Martin:

    So good, your gloss on the etymology of ‘vicarious’. Said it all in a few entertaining, informative and above all bit possible-faced or condescending terms. Hats off. Here’s how it was: the word vicarious came into my mind, I realised I had no idea of its etymology even though it’s a word I like, so I searched on ‘etymology of vicarious’ and came up with your site — which I like and will bookmark. Tim Martin

  2. Ilir Lampros:

    Totaly agree with Tim’s assertion.
    Bookmarked by me as well. Keep it up (no pressure).

  3. Anonymous:

    perhaps not derived but definitely related.
    both suggest a substitute – for the actual position or experience

  4. Yusuf Takoliya:

    Really good explanation. I came across the word when studying law – Employer vicariously liable for the negligent act of their employee.