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  1. Rick:

    Interestingly, the Pawnee Native American word for cat is either “pus”, or sometimes “kita pus.”

  2. Richard Purvis:

    Hmmm. I thought there was a strong link between ‘pussy’ and ‘pusillanimous’ , meaning ‘timid’ and ‘shy’. Hence the sayings ‘scaredy cat’ and ‘fraidy cat’. Pussycat would then be a derivative of these sets of words, or perhaps vice versa.

  3. RTH:

    In Sweden we say ksksksksksks and kissekatt (kisse-cat).

    Which makes me think the derivatives and such are wrong.

  4. Thomas Hyle:

    have you considered that IRL a ‘pussy cat’ is not just any cat, but a gentle cat you can pet? Have you considered the actual derivation may be (noting that pus meant mouth in Gaelic the whole time) that a pussy cat is a cat that you kiss?