March 2014

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  1. Terry Rudra:

    re ur post of March ’14 FYI
    U & ur friend w/ MS may be interested in this url Open the top vid on the homepage & watch an interview/presentation, with Dr Joel Wallach. I just recently also sent this to a friend w/ MS. Although it devolves later into an infomercial, at about :35 minute mark he mentions MS & an unconventional treatment/cure re a mineral. Joel is an MD, DVM and author of Dead Dr.s Don’t Lie & Rare earth Forbidden Cure. Hope its helpful.
    As you may be aware “approved drug therapies” must be approved not only for their supposed usefulness, but must also fit nicely inside the dominate-medical-paradigm’s political correctness and be patentable for bottom-line financial benefit. Forget ever seeing a simple, inexpensive drug company cure.
    Healthy thoughts,

  2. J. Pastor:

    I heard an interview the other day with a cellist with The Philadelphia Orchestra who was diagnosed with MS, and told that his only option would be to go on permanent disability.

    He was back with the Orchestra a few months later and hasn’t missed a day of work.

    His website is

    I am a bit skeptical, but my feeling is that if there’s even a shred of truth to the story it might be worth at least checking out.

    You don’t have to post this: I just thought that this would be the most effective way to get you the information.

    BTW, Cecil Adams at The Dope turned me on to your parents’ books a while back, and I’m pretty sure I also found about your site there. I’m assuming that you guys have crossed paths at some point, and it might please you that your family is highly respected by Mr. Zotti (rumored to be the person of whom Cecil is the alter ego).

    You do seem to be a magnet for misfortune, and while I don’t pray (I’m not sure that the prayers of agnostics would be effective, even if the prayers of believers were), I do hope things improve for you. Perhaps Mr. Cafaro’s experiences aren’t just due to random spontaneous remission, and there’s something to them.

    Finally, I emailed you a few weeks ago to ask you which of the subscription models did you the most good, but I assume you get scads of email and that my message drowned in the sea of spam. I’m not in the best of fiscal health myself, but we literary folks have got to stick together. Anyway, I could use the good karma. Let me know how best to apply my subscription dollars.

    -Jon Pastor