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  1. Danny S.:

    >> Interestingly, “clot” and “clot” are actually the same word

    Or not so interestingly. I presume that one of those “clot”s was supposed to say “clod”.

  2. admin:

    Yup. Fixed it. Thanks.

  3. Tina Lynn:

    Perhaps I’m commiting necromancy, but I’d like to note that sturdy farmer boots, perhaps hob-nailed and rather unsophisticated, were known as clod-hoppers. Emphasis on utility, not combat.

  4. Laurie:

    Does clod hopper come from the medical Term claudicatiion or vice versa ?

  5. Noreen Clark:

    When I asked for the meaning of clod hopper I had no idea I would be taken down such a wonderful country road. Thanks for the journey.

  6. Mark:

    A letter from between 1220 and 1240 from William de Warenne, 5th Earl of Surrey to William de Forz, 3rd Earl of Albemarle uses the word. “That which ceases from use has prepared the way for its own retirement. We knights are being kept from action like unskilled clodhoppers; this long interval of sitting around, which prevents the practice of knightly exercise, gives one kidney stones”. So, well before 17th century.