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  1. Stephen Burke:

    “Blimey” is still in use by people who prefer not to use stronger words, although it’s probably dying out as the taboo against things like “f— me” diminish.

  2. Paul:

    Worth noting that the British Navy’s use of limes is believed to have given them a vital strategic advantage in that it enable the Navy to keep ships on station (i.e. in attacking or defensive position) much longer that enemy forces whose crews, living on the vitamin-deficient diets resulting from pre-refrigeration storage techniques, would sicken unless returned to port, and vegetables, at frequent intervals. (See N.A.M Rogers “The Command of the Ocean” for great read and all sorts of information ‘of nautical origin’.)

  3. Colin:

    Dear Word Detective: Why is quicklime called “quicklime”? As in calcium oxide, is this because it is quick to absorb water, quick to react to water or moisture within the atmosphere, or on a humorous note, quick to get rid of the corpse. Might you know the origin of it?

  4. C.:

    This reply is five years late but I believe the “quick” here means “living,” same as in “quicksilver,” and perhaps refers to it being so reactive.