Have gun, will travel

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  1. Curt Jensen:

    In 1958 Robert A. Heinlein published his science fiction juvenile novel ‘Have spacesuit – will travel’.

  2. Robin Russell:

    “Have gun, Will travel,” means “I’m up for anything” or “I’m ready to go.” Let’s do it.

  3. Steve:

    Robin, I don’t think anyone is unclear as to the meaning of this term. I think what is at issue is the origin of the expression and whether it is anachronistic to have Lady Cora use it in 1921.

  4. Jim:

    I get the feeling that this phrase might be isolated to the years when telegraph messages cost the equivalent of six dollars per word to send, and newspapers would often charge up to twenty five dollars per word for an extended ad. Since Paladin made $1000 per job, I imagine he would have had little trouble with “I possess a pistol and I am willing to meet with you at a location of your choosing.”

  5. Lizabeth:

    The form may have been present in the early 20th century, but uses it as a rejoinder to her statement “Don’t worry about me, I’m an American.” The phrase wasn’t typically American until it showed up on Palladin’s business cards. So there is no reason for Cora to use it in that context.

  6. Hooks J.F. a1c USAF:

    The term means, I have a gun for hire and will come or go where I am needed.

  7. Jimmy Mahone:

    That’s not true.

    Paladin is a professional gunslinger who uses a business card. His tagline, “Have Gun, Will Travel” implies that he’s a gunslinger (in a professionally modest way, which works if you have a solid reputation) and that he’ll travel to whatever location you hire him to go for the slinging of his gun (of course, you read “all expenses paid by whoever hires me”).

    Using this card gave Paladin panache, differentiating him from thuggish and unrefined thugs-for-hire.

  8. Dee:

    Robin, Jimmy Mahone is right! The meaning is obvious. Why make stuff up?

    As for when the ad began, well…when did hired gunmen begin? Another obvious answer.

    Gunmen for hire were needed, since there were no blue lives mattering in the wild wild west.