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  1. Danny S.:

    I have seen the word “curmudgeon” countless times, but I always somehow reversed the “u” and the “r” in my mind, and thought that the word was “crumudgeon”. Perhaps someone who argues over crumbs. The archetypal curmudgeon, to me, would be Andy Rooney, and I wonder if that is who you were thinking of when you mentioned the meaning of the word having softened “at least on TV”.

  2. Kit:

    I played “Dick Dudgeon” (title char.) in Shaw’s, “Devil’s Disciple”; thought that it hinted at something hidden deep within, apropos to character.
    Thanks for adding depth.

  3. Tony:

    Arthur Ransome uses ‘dogmudgeon’ to distinguish the ghillie from a curmudgeon in Northern Diver. Any one who has read the book would be happy to replace the dog or cur with any prefix that suits the occasion.

  4. Ray:

    Coeur-mechant = wicked heart