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3 comments on this post.
  1. Blyden:

    This same phrasing appears in this listing of patriots
    and in DAR records here
    and here
    I wonder if it means that the British looted their belongings and/or brutalized them?

  2. Dr J.R. Cooper:

    The term includes any prefatory act, from vandalism to murder. I’m a descendant of Revolutionary War & Civil War veterans, the term meant ‘pillage’ at that time & included “literally unspeakable” crimes such as molestation & rape. Remembering verbal history from Native Americans & Civil War ancestors (my great-grandpa, his dad & brothers fought), I remember hearing aunts & aunts using such “codes”. They used them speaking of the unspeakable hurts visited on women of all ages during raids across the Mason-Dixon & in villages of Native People. Much of my family despised any “yankee” well into the 1980s.

  3. Kelly Brown:

    Dear Word Detective:

    In talking with a DAR representative, she advised that “suffering depredation” meant the British forces took my 6 times great grandfather’s property away from him.


    A real word detective

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