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  1. c millington:

    Mullygrub singular was always the name given to a friendly tickle of a child by a parent. I have known it by this definition since the 1950s.

  2. Gene Rice:

    Good detecting! Thanks for an enjoyable read through this splendiferous report. In written form, I’ve only seen “mollygrubs”, but just last Sunday my pastor used the term “mullygrubs” in his sermon, which is my motive in my searching yer way. Again: Thanks!

  3. Deb:

    I too just heard a preacher use this word and had to look it up. Thank you for such a thorough explanation!

  4. Jeff McCormack:

    I first heard the word when listening to an audiobook version of “Travels with Charley” by John Steinbeck. He was feeling down at the time. As I recall he used it on his trip back home, before he traveled through the South.