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5 comments on this post.
  1. George Reynolds:

    Just to confirm that school children were using the term cooties before 1967: I can remember the word from the 4th grade in 1955.

  2. aleksandar:

    To confirm, the Tagalog word “kuto” means louse

  3. Topi Linkala:

    How todays anti-microbial wipes are marketed we are getting into the bizzare situation where our toilets are cleaner than our kitchens.

  4. MarkB:

    Cootie Williams played trumpet in the Duke Ellington band, and later led his own band. He was born in 1911. Wikipedia sez:

    “According to Williams he got his nickname when, as a boy, his father took him to a band concert. When it was over his father asked him what he’d heard and the lad replied “Cootie,cootie, cootie”

    Somehow I doubt that self-reported story.

  5. Anonymous:

    The Game of Cootie, in which children competed to complete the building of their own outsized plastic bugs, was released in 1949. It was very popular in the 1950s, when kids had already been accusing each other of having cooties for years.

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