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  1. Simon:

    Is that “(sausage gravy) and (Jello with marshmallows) and (mayonnaise)” or “(sausage gravy) and (Jello with marshmallows and mayonnaise)”? Mayo in Jello sounds seriously gross.

  2. OwenKL:

    I know this would be considered folk etymology, but shouldn’t “yoke” also come into consideration as a source for the term? Formers would have reason to yoke two animals together to pull a heavy plow or wagon, while city dwellers would only use lighter one-horse carriages.

  3. Jean Lynn:

    Simon: Jello with mayo has long been a staple of church suppers and family picnics here in the midwest. This unlikely combination is edible and surprisingly acceptable to the taste buds. You want to sweeten the mayo with granulated sugar and perhaps lighten it with a dollop of whipped cream. Cholesterol, anyone? Give it a whirl! Best wishes, Jeannie

  4. MarkB:

    I know Rick is an alternate for Richard, but I’ve never heard of ‘hick’ being used in that way.

  5. Jez:

    Surely “yokel” comes from the farmers tool called a yoke which was used to carry two heavy pails of milk for example.

  6. Catsrose:

    I was looking up yokel because I was doing a Hebrew grammar lesson on the verb ‘be able’ which sounds like ‘yokel’ and I wondered if yokel came into English (and/or German) via Yiddish. A country person would be someone who was able [to do things a city person couldn’t do]. But, I’d also agree yokel comes from yoke, which comes from the old English/German and so on for ‘join’. Either one is more likely than a woodpecker.

    Red or green jello with mayo—kind of a Christmas look.