Whole cloth / Fabrication

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  1. rental ubud villa:

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  2. Ian Harmer:

    I believe the “whole cloth” reference is to the fact that the false claim or lie was created without reason or reference to truth, as in a suit hacked out of cloth without a pattern or design. Thanks for your website, by the way – don’t stumble this way often, but I always enjoy it when I do.

  3. Topi:

    How come manufactured doesn’t mean handcrafted?

  4. Patricia Blackwell:

    In my childhood I associated “made of whole cloth” with the tale of the emperor’s new clothes, which were, of course, nonexistent except in the king’s own mind. Just as truth is nonexistent in a lie or fabricated story.

  5. Harmonious:

    The author of the novel, “The Winner,by Gritz” had once told me that religion was made of whole cloth. That’s another way of putting it. But it does fill a need.

  6. harmomious:

    Feh! ?