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  1. Ed:

    soap is the best followed by a good conditioner..stay away from sodium lauryl sulfate..


  2. Shampoo? | eightandabit:

    […] I have to admit, I have absolutely no idea where the word ‘shampoo’ came from. Not only is it the weirdest word I can think of, it sounds absolutely nothing like any any language.. I think everybody is just as confused as I am, because it’s exactly the same in most languages. According to various sources, it’s been borrowed and adapted from the Hindi word ‘campo’.. a form of the verb ‘to press’. ( […]

  3. Jerry Palmer:

    Hello Sir
    I am Jerry Palmer and would like to make an order of (Shampoo) Send me a price list of the ones you stock and also advise if you accept credit card payment.


  4. Nikolova:

    The word originates in India from the Hindi champo which means massage. It was first used by Hans Sloane (of Sloane Square fame who introduced several words into English including samurai and vivisection, as well as being a great fan of cocoa). In 1698 he describes what he calls champing as a massage instrument used in China. This idea of shampoo = massage was in vogue continuously for 150 years, often with an exotic flavour as something done in Asia.

    In its current sense relating to cleaning hair, the word was first used in Worcester’s A Dictionary of the English Language which was published in Boston in 1860. For 30 years, this was the benchmark for dictionaries in America. It was the first American dictionary to include many diagrams and to provide synonyms. But at the beginning, having a shampoo was not much fun. Only soap was used. Later herbs were added.
    Source EVS Translations

  5. Aditya:

    In India, a local medicine system, Ayurveda is still very popular (YOGA is just a part of Ayurveda system of medicine). Shampoo (the liquid used for washing hair) in ancient India was basically produced using extracts from Amla (Indian gooseberry kind of fruit) and Reetha (i.e. Sapindus). It produces lather that leaves the hair soft, shiny and manageable.People also used many other products such as buttermilk, vinegar, aloe vera etc. When I go home, my mum sometimes still (I am 28) insists me to wash my hair either with traditional Ayurvedic shampoo or she does a head Champi (with buttermilk) for me. I just love that. :)

  6. sudhakar:

    In the world where shampoo manufactured in first time?

  7. Marys360:

    Who first used it in a commercial shampoo ad/application? It seems it must have become widespread due to some sort of marketing campaign?

  8. julieanne:

    The verb champing may be deemed obsolete but my Scottish grandmother used this verb to describe mashing potatoes. She “champed” them referring to the hand held masher as the “champer”. :)

  9. Sheldon Fleener:

    Mighty Word Detective,

    Seriously, the word is from Hindoo? So it didn’t derive from the French, who claim that “shampoo” is a bastardization of “champeau”?

    — Shel