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  1. Ann:

    Hang on! Your first dismissal, the cry of the raven would be my choice here. While I love rooks and ravens, people traditionally fear them as harbingers of doom. Tnerefore their call would instil a sinking feeling, an uncertainty, a QUALM.

    So there! Oh, and you could call the cat Missy Puss. My cat is called Mr Puss and no-one laughs. At least not to my face.

  2. Duff:

    I have to agree you was too quick to dismiss the cry of ravens but mostly still agree with your findings. I would be interested if you took a longer look at the ravens.

  3. Duff:

    I know for instance that in Cherokee legends that the cry of a raven was stealing the heart of the sick or dying which when compared to how we look at the word makes sense. Many other cultures I believe had similar folklore but I don’t know them as well.