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  1. GuanoLad:

    I have to say this is the most interesting answer I’ve read here in some time. It covered a lot of ground, especially with the asides, which really appeals to me.

  2. Engrocing man scent and dubious qualifications | What's in Bill's Head? | wlw3:

    […] and sells in the gross, i.e. in large quantities” (OED). As for the adjective gross (disgusting), The Word Detective explains how gross expanded its meaning from “bulky” to “coarse” to […]

  3. Don plimsoll:

    I was just talking to my grandson about the word “twelve” as we were talking about times table.
    Went on to “gross”, then got interested in where that word came from, as always interested in their beginnings.

    All very interesting

  4. Loribelle:

    This was most illuminating and rich in detail! I was prompted to search herein after my husband, the chocolatier, said “I have 144 pieces” to which I replied “Ah, that’s a gross”, a term I have not used in many years, and a reference which lovingly brought up my late father, a handbag manufacturer. Thanks so much!

  5. Johann:

    So is a gross politician 144 times worse than a normal one, or does he just seem that way.

  6. Lucinda Jones:

    Fantastico! Grazie molto ! You are much appreciated for sharing your wise historical perspective.