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  1. bingo:

    What I’ve read the word bingo came out of a woman playing Beano (the former name of bingo) who got so excited that instead of yelling beano she yelled BINGO!! True or not – I’m not sure :D

  2. Babylon:

    The word bingo comes from Cantonese language when foreigners and Chinese were playing games (not bingo) and the Chinese wanted to know who was the winner. They would shout ‘bingo? bingo?’ which means ‘where and who is the winner?’. Foreigners have interpreted this as meaning ‘I won the jackpot’.

  3. Marky:

    I have read of the beano story and this one about bing+o before. But I like the story on the 2nd comment here about the Chinese players better. It also adds a funnier aspect to the origin of the word.

  4. Bionca:

    bingo comes from someone winning the game and they yelled out BINGO !

  5. Barbara:

    I keep waiting for it to be some historical acronym like folks say about the origin of the word “golf” – gentleman only, ladies forbidden…..
    so maybe it would be fun to make up something for BINGO if it doesn’t already exist historically…. maybe “Best Ingenious Numbers Game Only”…..

  6. Samantha:

    There was a nursery rhyme written in the 1780s called Bingo. ‘There was a farmer had a dog
    Bingo was his name-o